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Cost of Care

Cost of Care


Advice & Support

Cost of Care In England

When searching for care services to support ourselves or our loved ones, it's essential to consider factors beyond the offerings of a care company. Exploring potential government financial support, such as assistance from the NHS or Local Authority, is a key step. Even if these options aren't applicable, there are still strategies to make paying for care more manageable.

Finding reliable sources of information about funding options for care can be confusing. The experts at Dementia Care & Support At Home are here to assist you in navigating through the available choices.

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Caring Companions

NHS Funding

If you meet the criteria for NHS funding, your complete care expenses will be covered. While only a limited number of individuals qualify for this, alternative options are available.

You can request a Continuing Healthcare Checklist from your GP, a brief preliminary evaluation to determine whether a comprehensive assessment is warranted. This evaluation establishes your eligibility for a Personal Health Budget (PHB).

A PHB empowers individuals with disabilities or chronic health conditions by offering greater choice, control, and adaptability in managing their healthcare. You or your authorized representative collaborate with your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to access funds designated for resources that cater to your needs, potentially covering care services as well.

In England, over 80,000 individuals are benefiting from a PHB.


Caring Companions

Local Authority Funding

The Care Act 2014 mandates Local Authorities to evaluate individuals with care and support requirements, irrespective of their ability to self-fund.

Once a needs assessment is conducted, a financial evaluation will be carried out to determine eligibility for care funding. Those with assets that do not exceed £23,250 are eligible for financial assistance with their care expenses. You have the option to receive this funding as a Direct Payment, giving you autonomy over how you choose to allocate it.
